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Groken Non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) 

Screen for common genetic conditions and predict your baby's sex as early as 10 weeks

Groken Non-invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)

  • Our high-quality, affordable NIPS can detect fetal chromosomal abnormalities as early as 10 weeks, for all pregnant patients.

  • Groken NIPS quickly analyzes cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to assess whether a singleton or twin pregnancy is at increased risk for the three most common chromosomal disorders on chromosomes 21, 18, and 13.

  • Add optional microdeletion and sex chromosome analysis at no additional charge, or pair with carrier screening for even more insights.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends offering NIPS to all pregnant women, regardless of age or risk. 1,2

Groken NIPS detects:

  • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

  • Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)

  • Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)

And we detect five clinically significant microdeletion regions to screen for syndromes that may be undetectable by ultrasound and other early screening technologies.

Microdeletions detected:

  • 1p36 deletion syndrome

  • DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome)

  • Angelman/Prader-Willi syndrome (15q11.2 deletion syndrome)

  • Cri du Chat syndrome (5p15.2 deletion)

  • Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (4p16.3 deletion)

We also Predict fetal sex as early as 10 weeks and simultaneously detect aneuploidies to determine the risk of sex chromosome disorders.

Aneuploidies detected:

  • Turner syndrome (monosomy X)

  • Triple X syndrome (47,XXX)

  • Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY)

  • Jacob’s syndrome (47,XYY)

Lowest published failure rate in the industry

Our technology, which uses whole-genome sequencing, offers the lowest published failure rate in the industry, 0.1%.3-7


Positive predictive value (PPV)

  • Every positive report contains a PPV for chromosomes 21, 18, and 13

  • PPV is calculated for each patient using individual maternal age and gestational age


Fetal fraction

  • Each result report includes fetal fraction, the percentage of fetal DNA (placental cell-free DNA) present in the sample. Invitae’s technology is optimized to handle samples at the low end of the fetal fraction rate to deliver more accurate results.

Performed in the USA

  • The Groken non-invasive prenatal screen was developed by, and its performance characteristics were determined by Verinata Health, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of lllumina, Inc. The VHI laboratory which located in the USA is CAP-accredited and certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) as qualified to perform high complexity clinical laboratory testing.

LAP: 8770489, AU-ID: 1703789

​How to purchase


如果你的婦產科醫生/檢測中心 並未提供Groken NIPS 檢測服務,歡迎與我們客戶服務部聯繫。我們可向你的醫生提供 Groken NIPS 服務或為你推薦有使用 Groken NIPS 服務的婦產科醫生/檢測中心 。

客服熱線:5933 9305



If your doctor / healthcare provider does not provide Groken NIPS  services, please contact our customer service department.

We can provide your doctor with a Groken NIPS service or a doctor / healthcare provider recommendation for you which is providing Groken NIPS service.

Customer Service Hotline: 5933 9305



If in doubt, please contact us.



  1. Practice Bulletin No. 163: Screening for fetal aneuploidy. Obstet Gynecol. 2016;127(5):979-81.

  2. Gregg AR, Skotko BG, Benkendorf JL et al. Noninvasive prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidy, 2016 update: a position statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. Genet Med. 2016;18(10):1056-65.

  3. Taneja PA, Snyder HL, de Feo E et al. Noninvasive prenatal testing in the general obstetric population: clinical performance and counseling considerations in over 85 000 cases. Prenat Diagn. 2016;36(3):237-243.

  4. McCullough RM, Almasri EA, Guan X et al. Non-invasive prenatal chromosomal aneuploidy testing--clinical experience: 100,000 clinical samples. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109173.

  5. Ryan A, Hunkapiller N, Banjevic M et al. Validation of an enhanced version of a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based noninvasive prenatal test for detection of fetal aneuploidies. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2016;40(3):219-23.

  6. Yaron Y. The implications of non-invasive prenatal testing failures: a review of an under-discussed phenomenon. Prenat Diagn. 2016;36(5):391-6.

  7. Norton ME, Jacobsson B, Swamy GK et al. Cell-free DNA analysis for noninvasive examination of trisomy. N Engl J Med. 2015;372:1589-97.

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