COVID-19快速測試 注意事項及免責聲明
1. 本品為一次性使用體外診斷試劑,請勿重複使用,過期產品請勿使用。
2. 應避免實驗環境溫度過高,低溫保存的測試卡、樣本稀釋液需要恢復至室溫後再打開,以免吸潮。
3. 測試結束後,將使用後的測試卡、樣本稀釋液、吸管等按廢棄物進行處理。
4. 鋁箔複合包裝袋內有乾燥劑,不得內服。
5. 勿使用反復凍融樣本。檢測時,請將待測樣本平衡到室溫。
6. 檢測樣本應視為傳染品,注意生物安全操作。
7. 與所有診斷試劑一樣,最終的確診應由醫生綜合各檢測指標及臨床症狀後作出。
1. This kit is for in vitro diagnostic use only. Do not swallow.
2. All specimens should be treated as capable of transmitting diseases.
3. Discard after first use. The test cannot be used more than once.
4. Do not use the kits beyond the expiration date.
5. Do not use the kit if foil envelopes punctured or not well sealed.
6. Keep out of the reach of children.
7. As with all diagnostic reagents, the final diagnosis should be made by the doctor after combining the various detection indicators and clinical symptoms.
本網站的資料,是根據廣州萬孚生物技術股份有限公司所提供的資料編製而成。Groken Bioscience Limited 沒有就任何特定情況下使用本說明書所載資料的準確性、完整性或合適性作出任何明示或隱含的聲明、申述、擔保或保證。
“萬孚Wondfo 新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)抗體檢測試劑盒”的結果不擬視作也不應賴以取代專業人員的忠告或意見。任何人士如欲使用本網站的資料及 “萬孚Wondfo 新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)抗體檢測試劑”, 須負責自行評估風險,或可先行諮詢專業意見,然後才使用測試劑 。Groken Bioscience Limited在任何情況下均不會對 “萬孚Wondfo 新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)抗體檢測試劑盒”的使用及應用負上或承擔任何法律責任 。
The information on this website is compiled basing on information provided by Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co.,Ltd.. No statement, representation, warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is given by Groken Bioscience Limited as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of the information on these website for use in any particular circumstances.
The result obtained by “Wondfo One Step COVID-19 Antibody Test” is not intended to be and must not be relied on as a substitute for advice or opinions from professionals. Persons who wish to use test are responsible for making their own assessment of all the information contained in these Instruction and are advised to obtain professional advice before acting upon any of the information or using “Wondfo One Step COVID-19 Antibody Test”. Neither the Groken Bioscience Limited nor any of its employees or agents shall in any circumstances whatsoever be liable or responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of the test or any of the information contained in or retrieved from the website.