Human whole genome sequencing (WGRS)
WGRS is widely used to detect genetics variant of human diseases. By mapping and analyzing sequences of individual with known reference genome, researchers are able to detect genetic variation in individual or population level. By the development of the HiSeq X Ten Platform, Whole genome sequencing has become of one of the most rapid and cost effective methods in the human genetics, translational medicine and cancer evolution researches.
Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)
Exome Sequencing is a method that selectively analyzes only coding region (Exon), which composes 1-2% of the human genome. This is useful for screening the high value content of genomes, economically. Not only does it sequence single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), exome sequencing also identifies insertion and deletion. Based on these analysis results, exome sequencing can be effectively used in research for rare disease, cancer genomics, and genetic disorders.
Animal and Plant Resequencing
Resequencing individual that has known reference sequencing at individuals or population level can identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), Insertion/Deletion (InDel), structural variation (SV) by sequence mapping. It can also find out genetic variation by analyzing the variation between different individuals.
De novo Sequencing
Sequencing of uncharacterized genomes where there is no reference sequence available, or known genomes where significant structural variation is expected.