What is NIPT?
NIPT stands for Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing. Unlike certain diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, there is no invasive surgical procedure and therefore it is “non-invasive” and poses no risk to the pregnant woman. All NIPT requires is a simple maternal blood test in order to collect cell-free fetal DNA, which circulates in the mother’s bloodstream during pregnancy. DNA is then analyzed on a sequencing machine and chromosomal abnormality in the fetus can be detected by 'counting' the number of chromosomes present.
What does NIPT screen for?
With the current advancement in technology, NIPT can be used to test for the following genetic conditions:

Please refer to Education hub for more information on the genetic disorders
Why and who should get an NIPT test?
Most of the NIPT test is available from week 10 of pregnancy, some laboratory can offer NIPT test from week 9 of pregnancy, NIPT could gives you an early option to know more about the genetic health of your baby.
Compared to traditional screening tests, NIPT offers higher accuracy and lower false positive rates. This means that fewer women will undergo invasive diagnostic procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, which carry a 1-2% risk of miscarriage. NIPT is non-invasive and therefore poses no risk to the mother or baby.

Is NIPT test right for me?
The NIPT test is available to any pregnant woman from the 9th/10th week of pregnancy. It can be performed in Twin pregnancy and for those who has received IVF treatment. Prior to undertaking any non-invasive prenatal testing, you should consult a qualified healthcare professional regarding any risks, diagnoses, treatment and/or any other potentially relevant healthcare issues.
NIPT is suitable if any of the following condition exist:

NIPT may not be suitable for: